How soon can I resume normal activities after getting All-on-4 implants?

Man Biting into AppleReceiving All-on-4 implants is an exciting time for a patient. With just one office appointment, an edentulous patient will walk away from our practice with a full, natural looking smile that will improve appearance and oral function. If you are considering receiving implant supported dentures, you likely have many questions. You might be wondering how dental implants will change your daily life and what to expect after your procedure in terms of recovery. Our skilled and gentle oral surgeons provide answers to common questions.

When can I return to work or resume normal daily activity?

The specific amount of time needed to rest after your procedure will be carefully determined by our staff. Recovery times vary from patient to patient but most patients return to work and resume normal activities in about three to four days after their procedures.

Should I alter my eating habits after receiving dental implants?

During the recovery period, you will be given specific instructions on which foods to eat and which foods to avoid. After your procedure, you will likely be asked to consume liquids such as soups and smoothies. This is because it takes time for the jawbone to fuse around implants (the process that stabilizes implants in place permanently). Patients will slowly incorporate non-liquid foods into their diet under our team’s close guidance. For instance, after a few weeks, most patients graduate to a soft diet where foods like pasta and cooked vegetables are suitable to eat. Since All-on-4 implants prevent the movement of prosthetics, you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite foods once you’re fully healed.

Will I be comfortable during and after my All-on-4 procedure?

Our oral surgeons take great care to ensure patient comfort during and after procedures. When receiving All-on-4 implants, we will administer a sedative along with pain medication so that patients are relaxed and free of discomfort. Medication will be prescribed after the procedure as well. It is important for patients to take medication exactly as prescribed to reduce swelling and minimize any postoperative discomfort.

To learn more about the benefits of All-on-4 dental implants, call one of our four convenient locations today to schedule a tooth replacement consultation.